Hi, I am Len Rosol, and I am a board certified hypnotist by the IACT (International Association of Counselors and Therapists) and by Modern Day Hypnosis.
I offer real world hypnotic solutions to real world problems. By real world solutions, I mean that I am science based, not mysticism based. I believe that the the subconscious mind processes information differently than the conscious mind, and that hypnosis is the greatest tool that I have discovered to communicate with the subconscious and effect change. I do not try to use eastern or native American philosophies to help you with hypnosis, I just try to use your subconscious to help you achieve lasting success and to help you reach your goal.
Very few people set out to become a hypnotist, and I certainly didn’t. I was trained as a computer programmer, and later a project manager, and I have been responsible for the technical aspects of the launch of half a dozen e-commerce web sites with well over a combined billion dollars in annual sales. I’ve actually found that programmers and engineers are among the best at being hypnotized, because they are used to following instructions and learning new things.
I first realized the power of the subconscious mind about 6 years ago…. I was torn between buying two pick up trucks, a Ram and a Ford. My conscious mind evaluated everything, and the two trucks came out about as close to equal as you can get. So I started asking people which truck I should buy…. And I found that whenever anyone said something bad about the Ram, or good about the Ford, I agreed with them. And whenever someone said anything bad about the Ford, or good about the Ram… I argued with them. I realized my subconscious had already decided on the Ford. It really opened my eyes.
I was introduced to hypnotism only a few years ago, as a client. As a mid-50’s man, I began to have some problems in the bedroom. I went to see a urologist, and found that my testosterone was low, and being blocked by a hormone my body was producing. He gave me a prescription medicine to suppress that hormone, and my T level returned to normal. But I was still having problems…. I was afraid of failing. I was seeing a traditional therapist about another issue, and I asked if he could help me with this as well. He said we could talk every week for a year, and maybe we would fix the problem…. OR, I could see a hypnotist, and likely be free of the problem in 3 sessions. I wasn’t sure I believed in hypnosis, but thought it worth the chance. It only took 2 sessions to resolve my issues. One of the best decisions I have made in my life, it changed everything for me.
At that point, I was so impressed by the power of hypnosis, and what it could do, that I decided to learn hypnosis to “pay forward” the help I had received. After several classes and certifications, and dozens of clients helped, I have decided to expand my practice to a more formal one, and open my client list to new clients. Right now, I am doing this part time, only nights and weekends, but I expect to convert this to a “any time” practice when I retire from my main job.
One interesting fact about hypnosis… A hypnotist is ALWAYS looking for new patients. We’re not like the big pharma companies, creating customers for life… We generally are able to resolve your issue in 3-4 sessions and return an improved version of you to your life. Because of this, we graduate our clients regularly, and we’re always looking for new ones. If you are happy with my service, please pass my contact information on to others in need of help.