Hypnosis can help you change any habit you wish to change. And our habits, since they can be changed, do NOT define who we are.
Many people are amazed at how their relationships are affected by habits.

I am going to share a couple of examples of how I helped clients through some relationship issues. Everyone is different, but these examples will give some idea of how you can use hypnosis to have a better relationships.
A man reached out to me for help overcoming a porn addiction, his wife couldn’t deal with it any longer. It took four sessions, but he’s now able to use a computer or phone with out going to porn sites, and his relationship is recovering.
A lady contacted me because she wasn’t physically interested in her husband any more. I used hypnosis to help her remember why she fell in love with him in the first place. We had scheduled 3 sessions to work through this, but she called me after the second to tell me that the third wasn’t needed, she had changed her habit and saw the man she had desired and fell in love with again
Another lady asked me to help her move on past a man who only used her as a booty call, and would not allow a real relationship to happen. This was a case of her logical side telling her that the man was a dead end, and her emotional side longing for him and hoping to make him something he was not (relationship material). I helped both sides of her mind find a compromise, and booty calls go unanswered and unheard these days.
A man who was aging started worrying about failing in the bedroom. Once doubt crept in, he started failing regularly. He went to a medical doctor, and found that all functions were normal, yet he was still failing. Using hypnosis, I helped him to believe in himself again, disassociate past failures from future situations, and even gave him a post-hypnotic trigger that he can use that will help him achieve his goals.
Those are examples. If you want to improve your relationship, please reach out. You have to be open to change, but if you are, I can help you change bad relationship habits and develop new ones.